Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 43

volume Number : 12
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 43

volume Number 12، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 43

Stylistics of Phenomena in Shahriyar Ghazlat

Naser Kazem Khanloo (Author in Charge), Ziba Esmaeeli

The skill and mastery of the Shahriyar in Persian poetry has always been studied in various aspects; from musical and weight to rhetorical structures, syntaxes and syntaxes, etc. Among these, Shriyar"s penetration should also be another field of art. She knew Punish verses in the Shahriyan court have rhetorical, expressive and conceptual values. The number of copies of the verses containing the pencil in his court and his performance in this context from various aspects of literary, semantic, and ... showed his deliberate and special attention to this issue. In this article, all of the questions concerning pseudoscience in the Shahriyar"s sonnets, especially with emphasis on the three specific characteristics of the best pseudoscience, have been investigated in an analytical and statistical manner, in order to determine the general understanding of the style and manner of punishment in Shahriyar"s To be lost. Issues such as: number of pencils, types of penetrations, unpunished ghosts, pseudoscience ghosts, pseudoscience in pencil phrases, pixel angle, pseudo-arranged arrays, subjects in pencil phrases, etc.

Shahriar , Phenomena , Stylistics , Ending Bits

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